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higher quality when zooming in



Is this where I should put bug reports and stuff, or is there a dedicated bugs log?


Nah you can just say how great the game is and what you want changed or if you got any ideas for next update

It is a okay game

(2 edits)

The mac .Rar file doesn't produce any useable application when opening it with unarchiver or keka

Edit: added picture of software used, Keka is 1.12.5

 Open terminal. Type in "sudo chmod -R 755 " then the .app pathway (right click game and click "copy "MAC"". Open the .app again. This works for tons of games when that happens so keep it handy :)

how do you do that exactly? i am also having trouble with the instructions given along with the file

So it seems a lot has changed with the downloaded version (I honestly just recommend you use the browser version) but I got it working. After you download the Mac version of the game and unpack it with whatever app you’re using (I use unarchiver) you’ll get a folder named “MtE v3.11 MAC”. Open that up, right click the third item and hit “show packaged contents”, you’re gonna go into the contents folder, go into the MacOS folder and you’re gonna see a file named “MAC” right click that and click on “copy “MAC””. Open up Terminal (this can be hard to find if it’s your first time using it) type “chmod a+x” and paste what you copied. Then go back and try opening the “MtE v3.11 MAC” file, it may have a pop up that says something along the lines of “unidentified author” hit cancel and then just right click MtE v3.11 MAC and hit “open” that pop up is gonna come up again but you should now have a new open option, click that and the game should start loading👍


Not really complaining, but wouldn't it be easier to pack the Mac version in zip istead of rar? It's supported natively and there's no need for special instructions 

(1 edit) (+2)

did just find a bug where if im crouching when attacked from behind by a bee when the scene is done im stuck in crouching position. cant move forward or back i can do the slide animation but it doesnt hit. cant jump or use the x button



cant wate


Amazing game. People say it's too hard but it's too easy. I think a difficulty setting would help people who aren't as good at being pro gamer. Beat both levels without getting corrupted once. But overall good game and people need to get good at game no cap


You know children aren't supposed to be playing this game, right?


What's that got to with what they said?


well, I don't think a grown-up man would say pro gamer or no cap butttt.....i cant say I'm not a kid


I think he's one of them chavy 18 year olds


could be


could be...


Are you done with your self-congratulatory ego-wank?

Do you want to update to play with controller?



Amazing game, great mechanics, great enemies and great animation.

Difficulty is a healthy balance, not sure why so many people say it's too high.

Very excited for future updates!


Game is way to difficult... feels like he is walking too slow, jumping is slow, punching cooldown is forever, so why even use it. enemies from behind is unavoidable, meaning to have to masturbate the lust away - this slows you down so much you fail the level because time runs out. The [A] [D] spam is also unresponsive, like i can mash the button a soon as the appear, but it feels like it's not registering? I know it sounds just like complain complain, but I wish for the game to be better


Game easy


English is easy too, yet you seem to be struggling with that.

Deleted 3 years ago

no it not realy in fact its one of the most hardist langage 


What a useless comment...


Can escape back enemy when the bee come,u just need jump,and back off, it's hard so u need practice,and no.2 ,u just jump...


why is my willy hard


this shit is making me horny wtf


bruh who couldn't be horny? I understand if you are straight but still




Congrats on your new sexual awakening!

(1 edit) (+3)



ever seen a girl with a penis



me too too

Deleted 1 year ago

It's a guy


Level 3 will come in 3-4 months guys, I'm working hard on it, more info on my patreon, I don't really find the time to reply everywhere, sorry!


hey t hoodie! do you have any plan  to bring this game on steam in future ?


Hello, once the game is closer to finished, I do want to take a look at the possibilities to bring it to steam, but right now it's a bit too early for me to confirm it. But I will at least look at the possibility when the time comes.




thanks for all of the effort you put in to this game hahaha it's really great

well this game be put on Android


good job kiddo you'd have my pat on your butt :)


This style is sooooo great!im enjoy it ,Have you considered adding more languages?some thing i cant read...

oh, and I want to give you feedback a bug,in no.2 level,when I answer the questions, The red progress bar is still running..So sometimes I' game over when I answer questions.

I don't think it's a bug because most games do that, too see how quick you are at answering the questions and too also see if you payed attention too your surroundings 

e..right,but my mother tongue is not English,so..I need time to convert English into my mother tongue. This process is not interesting.

Makes sense might have too wait for the update too see if you can change the language


hoping level 3 is as fun as level 2 and 1


cant wayt tell level 3


I wonder when level 3 is out!I got past level 2 to many times and level 3 didn't appear!!

Is it possible to play the online version on Consoles like Xbox


Are You High ?!?!

it's just a question, Calm down. I saw videos and I was curious.


what videos

yo the portrait bug before is gone now!! thanks alot hahaha

what bug what that? ( i have not had it happen so i am just wandering

wait lemme find my old post

oh i found it

you are doing great work. I hope you know that, thank you for this master peace!


When will level three be out?


patience little boy

1 july


Hi Devs! Reply to this comment if theres an Android app for this one, Thx.

Does the Gallery work? It won't open for me

they are working on making a gallery

ah, i see, thank you

Deleted 73 days ago

its only the first 2 levels

Deleted 73 days ago

Wank so good my stomach hurt

  1. Ok I just played the Web Demo and I definitely have some feedback, like a bunch of it really. So far I think it's a good start: The art is cute, the sex is hot and well animated, the gameplay is rough but not so terrible it can't be improved upon. Visually, I think Max moves too slow and what is supposed to be a "chase" is more like a leisurely stroll, I understand that if he actually moves too fast then the levels will be much shorter and easier, but I'm not convinced Max is really trying to set a good pace, Basically if his animation had a bit more "hustle" to it that'd feel way better.

    Gameplay-wise there are a few things that make the game more difficult than I feel it was intended for. First off his punch and his slide: The punch has just a bit too much time before you can punch again meaning if there is an enemy ahead that takes two or three hits, it's increasingly hard to deal with if there are other threats on the screen. The slide is also the only way to deal with certain enemies and sometimes it simply wouldn't activate, like there seemed to be a LONG cooldown between the ability to slide then slide again but there would also be times when I needed to slide but the slide didn't happen despite not having slid in a while... Additionally there seems to be no way of defending Max from an attack from behind aside from burning a special attack, the punch only goes forward and so does the slide, not to mention you don't have much time to react anyways. Breaking out of grapples also feels very clunky and slow, after hitting a button the player has to wait for the animation before the next one shows up and can be pressed. On the surface this may not seem like an issue but the amount of waiting means no matter how quickly you can accurately press the buttons to "mash out" of it, you are forced to take on a certain level of corruption. Again, I understand that it's supposed to be a challenge and an obstacle but it feels sluggish slow and unresponsive and even unfair.

    Now the Sphynx's riddles were.... definitely unfair. I had to brute force my way past that, thankfully you made it checkpoint right before so the player didn't have to replay all of level 2, so good job. I'm gonna discuss each question in order:
     1. Never saw a cactuar cause I was busy dodging all the horny enemies, I guessed it right first try tho and it might've been my fault so I can't really say anything about it.
     2. Ok I'm forgetting which question was which now but I think the second was about how many elves were on the starting image, I remembered 3 so I was wrong for a while. I went back and saw another elf inside through a window and it took me a while to find the fifth..... the fifth elf was BEHIND the TEXT BOX on the roof. incredibly hard to see. Kinda unfair but whatever, moving on.
     3. This gave me trouble as I didn't remember seeing any animal at the start, like ever. I went back to the beginning and there was a bird on the first screen but it was nowhere near Max and it wasn't the answer. Turns out the "Pony" was a stuffed pony in the tent at the start of the first level... not really an animal and arguably not really the beginning either, so maybe the question coulda been more clear.
     4. Ok this one was absolute bullshit (pardon my language here but it's true), The question itself was difficult to understand but I think it was asking what color the "Bee" enemies were from the first level. Instead of options like "Orange" or "Blue" you seemed to put in these really obscure color names to choose from. It was like it was in another language, how is a player supposed to know that? It's not even a case of "I don't know so I felt stupid", it felt more like you expected players to have a catalogue of paint samples with fancy color names they could consult. That information was in no way available to the player!
     5. The final actual question also confused me as I had never seen Max have writing on his shirt.... Ever.... I can't go back up to replay and check to see if his shirt magically changes in sex scenes, but if it does then you seriously underestimate change-blindness which is a real psychological phenomenon.... Anyways, I guessed it right first try, but wow did this one also feel like unfair bullshit again...

    Anyways, If you read this I want you to know I enjoyed the game despite all the problems I found. I think with a bit of fine-tuneing here and there (and obviously more content filled in, but you already know that I imagine) you've got a fun and sexy little game here. I'm not even usually into femboys but most of the enemies are Futa so I still quite enjoyed it in that reguard. Sorry if this feedback is a bit of a ramble but I felt like it could be used to improve maybe. I'll be coming back from time to time to see how this project moves forward. Peace.

I- Don't think T-Hoodie can read this fully.. At least what I think


What do you mean? Why would they not be able to read the comments?

Deleted 1 year ago

for the game it self or t hoodie?

if so i dont thin so for both

Deleted 1 year ago

Thinking of making a mobile version?

The creator has stated that they don't have plans for making a mobile version



(3 edits) (+5)(-2)

I've played ver 2.6 and I've noticed a couple of bugs.

This is not hard per se, but there's a glitch where if you hold down the crouch button (S) while you're getting fked will likely get you locked in place. I have reset a total of 7 times in my playthrough. Another one I could think of is, you can skip Sphinx's riddle if you got hit by a heart(charm) attack at the right moment. And also, the end screen of masturbation is the same as the slime.

Overall, the art is superb, but the gameplay is disappointing, to say the least. This definitely has the potential to be a great game, but I feel like the gameplay needs lots of improvement or an overhaul. This is still a demo so there's still time for changes. 

Some changes that would be nice imo:
Faster Max - Max is as light as a feather that they will take a couple seconds to land on the ground. This is to better avoid enemies but it coincidentally makes them feel sluggish and not fluid in their movement. Makes me reminiscence about those flash games I played a long time ago that are now obsolete.
Secondary Attack - Rather than a simple attack and an Ult, try introducing a secondary attack to spice the game up. Make it customizable for the added fun. 
Larger FOV - Make the field of view bigger but the enemies faster. This will keep the challenge while making the game more fluid-like and exciting. Maybe add auto-zoom when Max is down.
More Lane? - Who can skip this one if you aren't planning for monster girls with complex mechanics.
Shoot backward - I mean, is there a reason Max can only face forward? It should make sense that she could shoot her magic anywhere. Make it aimable with mouse so I could shoot those damn bees that charge after me out of nowhere.
Nerf slide - wtf, slide op, plz nerf

Though making changes to the game's code is most of the time arduous. I'm sure there are a lot of fans who know programming that are willing to help. In the meantime, I'm absolutely gonna follow the game's production.



This game is very simple, but amazing!


new update comes july 1st 


Im excited!


This is the best game I've ever played in this section surprisingly.




Target Terminated


Defineatly Need This Game On Android

*skeleton behind the desk*

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