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Hi t-hoodie, I'm a huge fan of your work and this game is everything I've been looking for a long time, it's a dream come true.  Unfortunately it is not allowed to use it on Android... Please, I would pay the amount you set on this page but please... Make the game compatible with Android!  :c


It isn't that easy to just make an android version, it's more technical than just changing the controls. We don't have plans on working out an android device for now. You can try the Puffin Browser though, maybe that could work on mobile. i didn't type this t-hoodie him/her self wrote and i don't know about puffin browser


that's what I'm doing but the game pad mode doesn't have enough buttons

Deleted 2 years ago



Following your logic no one cares about what the people cares, everybody can say and post whatever they wan and if you want the way they are change yourself


ok but like nobody cares about your opinion. just don't download it.


Okay then make a game, make a better one. What's that, you can't? Then shut the fuck up

no one cares, if you dont like it dont download or play it


its not letting me play the game after i download it 

it keeps saying that the unity player wasn't found 

are you on MAC? I've reuploaded the game (v3.11) to now include more help on how to run it. Please read:

Once you extract the .RAR file you are left with a folder called something like ""

Open up a Terminal and navigate to your app folder:

cd <PATH_TO_YOUR_APP>/<APP_NAME>.app/Contents/MacOS/

(visual help for finding the right file: )

This folder contains the executable file which Windows didn’t make executable. you now have to add the executable flag:

chmod a+x <APP_NAME>

(more help about the chmod a+x here:

Afterwards you should be able to run/start the app


no I'm on windows and i figured out how to play the updated version just fine 

I just played the one on new grounds well done so far btw and I look forward to the completed version of the game

The game is great, but there isnt any sound when i run it on my pc, someone knows why?


the controls are way too confusing, and theres too much enemies at the same time, honestly i barely can even play because of how random those controls are


You can change the controls on the downloaded version.


oh kiss3 hello




Why not??



how can i full screen?


its actually says how on this page.

Q: How do I resize the game window? Sorry, but the game is forced to launch at 1280 x 720. If you want to make the game bigger: On windows: If you make a shortcut for "Max_The_Elf_DEMO", then go to properties of the shortcut, and add " -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 -screen-fullscreen 1 " to the [target/destination (translated from dutch)] property, it will launch with those settings! Image preview:


Hello, someday you can bring a version for Android?? please don't take these words of mine in vain, I beg you 🙏


I'm sorry but we don't have plans to bring it to mobile, you could try the Puffin browser to get a control system.


hd dont work


I love men.



а как загрузить игру? я пытаюсь с Российской карты перевести 2 долора но не переводится , а поиграть в новую версию очень хочется

(1 edit) (-2)
напрямую - никак, можешь попробовать скачать с специальных сайтов, например f95zone

Там качается спокойно и без оплаты, просто на окошке с выбором цены надо нажать нет, просто перенесите меня к закачкам. Внимательнее смотри.


Can you make it for Android


awesome game! Glad you made max at least look like a I can, uh, enjoy the scenes where 'she' is receiving treatment....anyways awesome, awesome animations, keep it up!




No one will judge you for being into a guy dude


we're getting off to a snake with a dick fucking an elf, how is gay the weird part?


not something i thought i wolud ever read but here we are


wha... just accept the gey

repressing it isn't going to do any good lol. 


the download doesn't seem to work for Mac


I've reuploaded the game (v3.11) to now include more help on how to run it. Please read:

Once you extract the .RAR file you are left with a folder called something like ""

Open up a Terminal and navigate to your app folder:

cd <PATH_TO_YOUR_APP>/<APP_NAME>.app/Contents/MacOS/

(visual help for finding the right file: )

This folder contains the executable file which Windows didn’t make executable. you now have to add the executable flag:

chmod a+x <APP_NAME>

(more help about the chmod a+x here: ) 

Afterwards you should be able to run/start the app


Thanks for new update but what the heck is with tentacles in level 3? Before you could slide now there is simpy no other way than being caught. Cannot be slided cannot be jumped nor destroyed. Maybe only spec. ability


What you do is jump before the bottom tentacle comes from the ground.


As Kiss3 said, you have to jump at the right moment (just before the 3rd tentacle grabs you).


hd dont work


add to the target not replace what was there.



this game is unplayable on mac. it can't be opened. I tried for an hour using the recommended fix in the terminal but I had no idea what I was doing and couldn't do it. A detailed guide or a fix is needed.


Any way to stay as a girl?


no. acccept se gey


there's gonna be the android version?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Great game, I was strokin my big black cock to the guy with the skirt. Can't wait until Level 4.


Are there plans to make an endless mode with all the enemies?

I've played this game so much that I need a new challenge.


Can you release this for android devices??

[Controls for game i guess...? Im trying to help]

-have a circle D-pad to walk, duck, and select stuff.

- make a Jump button, it can be uses to 

-have an Attack button and a Special button. to Slide press Attack while ducking. 

-The Maxterbate button be a special corner button near attack. ..surrender is... you decide. Maybe special+masterbate.

-Have us mash Left and Right ( or Jump.) to resist... have attack be Zoom and Jump be "continue".

-have a pause button in the top left near the timer and goal.


It isn't that easy to just make an android version, it's more technical than just changing the controls. We don't have plans on working out an android device for now. You can try the Puffin Browser though, maybe that could work on mobile.


I know that... i just was trying to help by giving ideas.

But hopefully you updated the mobile version. And i wish there were different special attacks or ways to level up your resistance and health. ...maybe as a reward for beating the stage or unlocking more gallery?

(Like new powers. I have two ideas if this can happen... but idk. It could be interesting.)


Since tapping is sorta like the mouse and keyboard... but hey, hopefully you do end up finding a way to port to android. It would help since you said the browser isnt as fast..


the main isuse wolud more be the engeine it runs on. witch cant run on andoird in any native way


I like this game so much. I have to play it several times after work every day. It really suits my appetite. The elves are very cute.


nevermind max fan is better


cleo kinda hot though


It's so much fun, I play every day.🥰

(1 edit) (+1)

I bought and downloaded and it doesn't open can anyone help me?


If you have trouble extracting the .RAR file, you'll need a tool to extract it, for windows it's either WinRar or WinZip, for Mac there are similar tools too.
After installing winrar or winzip, right click the file and extract it.

actually it doesn't open

It keeps saying the unityplayer.dlll was not found 

you might need to revaluate the rar files as they might not have the required files for us to play


"My friend just sent me this and told me to play it, saying it was a good and wholesome game" - My friend during vc literally 20 minutes ago


very very wholesome


please could you make normal vick part of the gallery please:( but still great game :)


He is, under spec. animation as A. vick

thank you


Ураа, обнова :3


how do i launch a .rar file


Download winrar. 
Your pc is probably 64 bit, if it doesn't work then install the 32 bit one
after installing winrar, right click the file and extract it 

also if you use mac, then you can download that from the store idk 


Mobile version for on the go


I agree. But make this be compatable withe android too! I found this game and i want to try it sooooo bad..


I found Foxy,but I cound't find Corrupted Vick.

Somebody help me please


you need to talk at least two times with cheerleader vick and his corrupted version will appear at the end of the level



Que hace un hispano aquí, no pregunten, solo se que soy hetero pero empecé  a darle seguimiento a este juego porque me justo, no se que tiene pero me justo, xd.

Creador solo te diré, good game, sigue así. 



Eee! I already love foxy a lot, from design to the animations. ^w^


any sneak preview on lvl 4 ? working on it!


welp im gay now




is it a bad thing that this is one of my favorite games?


At first, I was like, "oh, a platformer game... Hardpass."

But then, I grow curious and start downloading and playing the game.

After an hour or around 30 minutes, I was like, "Oh... This is interesting. What that creature does then... How about this one?"

Another minute passed and I be like, "that's it... This is why I never play platformer game. I'm sucks at it".


This game is hard generally but not due to its difficulty, but because of its weird movement. When you concentrate and figure that out, the game becomes a cakewalk (some levels work differently though, you gotta understand your sex partners enemies)

Deleted 1 year ago

When you download it, it should show you some instructions: 

FOR MAC OS downloaders: I packed it as a .RAR file! You will have to use an unzip tool similar to WinRAR or WinZip to unpack it. This one should be an official tool but we haven't tried it!

If you still get an error (this application cannot be opened), try googling around, we found this:
I don't have a MAC so it's hard for me to troubleshoot.

good new !

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