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steam ver?


maybe sometime in the future when it's closer to being done!




Is this game compatible with controller

Deleted 3 years ago

Yes, just compile target to linux

I second.. well third that request. :)

I fourth :o

Found a bug with the new enemy. After breaking their barrier a few times (I don't recall the exact number), after they fell to the ground, they disappeared. Later, while I was standing in the same spot, I spontaneously received the charm status and began walking forward. After a few second of that, the Laamie sex animation started. I assume that the enemy and their projectiles became invisible, but not intangible.


oof, that is a strange one! thanks for the report, we'll have a look at it but I can't promise we will update that one soon.

Is there gonna be some way to recharge the special attack soon?


mhh we don't really have plans for that for now, we do have plans for a character that can remove some corruption for you.

Someone else is charging up to a certain point and does not go from there?

Out of curiosity will you be bringing this to android in the future?


out of technical reasons, nope sorry, no plans yet.

Not a problem just wondering. Maybe in the future if technical reason get made and if not? Then that's life lol.

(1 edit)

when I'm going to start playing the game, the screen just goes black and doesn't start (in the gameplay part)


I'd love to be able to play on android in the future!


Do you have a discord for this game's development?


I have my patreon linked to my discord yea


am i technically counted gay if i like this? xD




yes! uwu


Who cares, just do what ever makes you happy


Maybe Bi-Curious


dude we are all gay af uwu


Nah. Sexuality is a spectrum, right? 

According to the Lgbtq...lmnop...wxyz set.


Never have I wanted to lose at a game so bad >.< !! Absolutely excellent animations. Looking forward to the finished product!


why my galery is not opened? some body please help me!!


I believe it's not implemented yet.


Dont care its a guy, hes so cute!


Please make thus work for android! I played it on my laptop but it cant run anything anymore :(


i cant see him :(( please help

I had something like that on windows. IDK macs so im not sure how much this will help but you need to delete somethings in the games registry.

This is my windows guide (just incase delete only the things that have resolution in the name since idk what would happen if you delete all on mac):

"I figured out how to fix my resolution problem. I needed to delete my game preference in windows registry.



T-Hoodie Draws


Delete everything in there"

If you cant find the game in the same path then try searching t-hoodie if possible.

i can't find it hahaha, I already tried to search t-hoodie, doesn't appear :(

I have been looking for almost 2 hours and still can't find it hahaha

Since idk anything about macs I had to google "mac registry" I found these:

Mac Equivalent of the Windows Registry - ish - Developing on Staxmanade

Delete registry files - Apple Community

Try using these guides to see if you can find the plist files for the game.

If not then try to see if there is an unity/unity player folder, since the game uses unity. It might have the game preferences there.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

i really can't find it hahaha 

btw sorry for the bother

i can't seem to find a .plist file associated to the game

Did you try

On macOS PlayerPrefs are stored in ~/Library/Preferences folder, in a file named unity.[company name].[product name].plist, where company and product names are the names set up in Project Settings. The same .plist file is used for both Projects run in the Editor and standalone players.


Unity - Scripting API: PlayerPrefs (

The folder might be hidden, check the answers to find ways to unhide it.

I can not seem to find where my playerprefs are saved on os x. - Unity Answers

Deleted 3 years ago



I love how much progress has been made on the game! Like a lot of people I miss the lynx enemy, but it's not the end of the world. I'd rather you have the option of putting this on steam, as well as keeping your patreon intact.

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

I want to like this. The art is great. I think there's a good concept around corrupting a cute elf boy. But personally the gameplay doesn't do it for me at all.

Actions are slow. In particular it seems like the slide activates seconds after pressing the keys for it, but everything else feels a bit funky too.

The first level feels over tuned. Too many enemies at the same time - you can be trying to deal with enemy A only the be hit by B, C, or D. And the tentacles that can pop up directly under the player with little warning... seriously, who thought that was a good idea?

The second level seems OK, but then you get to the end and it quizzes you on crap no one would know or pay attention to. Is it supposed to be a FU to the player?

Personally, I'm not sure if the current gameplay can be made into a good erotic game. At the moment this embraces the unfortunate contradiction that the only way to experience the erotic content is through failure. Furthermore since there's a timer on the levels, the gameplay discourages you from watching the animations to completion. Too many games make the erotic part contrary to the gameplay part - please don't make this yet another.

In my opinion, this should perhaps go back to the drawing board - take the art assets and make an RPG or a platformer or something of a different genre.


For those of you stuck on the riddle, the answers are; Cactuar, 5 , Pony, Coquelicot, Anal, Continue Onwards


I know nobody is here for the gameplay but I still think it's in dire need of a rework:

  • Max moves way too slow
  • Jumping feels floaty and hard to control 
  • Hitboxes are not represented in the art correctly
  • Punching feels sticky and kills all momentum

Ok now I'll stop complaining about a porn game


I love this game, so cute!

when will it be possible to have full screen mode on windows?
I can't see the animations well, however I love the game and I often use it, in my opinion the questions that put the sphinx at the end of the 2nd level are too many and a little too complicated, I also want to tell you that before playing this game I thought of being bisexual, now I'm sure I'm gay xD


i never really noticed how good the end screens were until now, thanks for the content


Hm, this is a real predicament.

I decided to revisit the game after the update on my laptop, and it lags my entire PC when I try to play Level 2 on the web version.

I hope that can be fixed, as I don't want to download the game and risk it being found by people I don't want seeing it on my laptop.


whats the answer to the riddle? none of them seem to work for me?


Cactuar, 5 , Pony, Coquelicot, Anal, Continue Onwards

Tank chu!~


I enjoy the game a lot. But in the second level, I've spent a really long time just trying to figure out how to dodge the 3-way character. It's something I'm specifically not into, which will happen because of the nature of this game, but it wouldn't be a problem at all if there was any way other than using my "e" ability to make her go away. I can dodge or "q" almost anything else in the game but her. The one kink I don't like. I've tried everything and nothing works. Please just tell me how to dodge that one. I'm tired of seeing the only kink I'm not into.


I say "other than using my 'e' ability" because what are you to do when you've run out of those? or it's on cooldown next time she shows up? I just want to dodge it


The three way character is the succubi right? If you want to dodge them all you really have to do is jump when her timer is almost up and you'll be able to dodge her attack most times without using the special attack! That's how I figured it out personally


Thank you kind stranger

You can also just straight up jump over her when she charges on screen if you time it correctly.


kinda hard to play with 1 hand (if u know what i mean)


I love the artwork and the characters are all so sexy. I have issues using the current controls however. In the future, will you add key customizability and controller support?


Thank you! We have had some complaints about the controls yea, we've recently added the arrow keys for movement, and I do eventually want a custom controls menu. But it might take a while before that will be top priority. We will most likely not add controller support, it's not planned sorry. 

Control isn't a big deal. So long as the keys can be customized it will be perfect. Great game. I love it

is there a way to go full screen or atleast get a bigger resolution, the window is quite small on a 1440p monitor imo.


I'm sorry, the game is fixed to 1280 x 720, we have scaling issues if we make it bigger, so my best recommendation is to change your screen resolution if you want it bigger. Maybe we can fix a forced full screen in the future. 

(1 edit)

@T-Hoodie I noticed the same problem. So, as a fulltime programmer, I thought: Why not let the computer deal with this issue?

And it turns out that there is indeed a project which tries to solve that "low resolution when upscaling" problem in realtime! It's called Anime4k

Here is a screenshot of it. Do note that this does not use the latest and greatest version of Anime4k.
right: a screenshot from the game
left: an Anime4k upscaled version of it, I used this site to quickly test it out

It does become slightly blurry, but that might be an acceptable trade-off. Maybe the blurriness could be reduced a bit more by tweaking with the parameters. Or by using the latest version, since Anime4k got yet another overhaul recently.

If you're interested in implementing this, this is the sort of stuff should be doable pretty darn easily as a Unity Post Processing Shader.

(Throwaway account for reasons - feel free to reach out to me, I guess)


i am having issues playing this game on browsers where i can get into the game yet when i press play or select a level it fades out and never loads. it may be an issue on my end since i dont have the best pc yet you may want to have a look into it. also i sometimes have issues loading the game due to too much memory in the WebGL yet it sometime works sometimes doesn't. i did play level 1 a while ago and hopefully i can resolve the issue or you fix the issue because i greatly enjoyed the gameplay and the endings. thank you for continuing development on this project! hope to hear more from you and the game soon!


I've uploaded a new update today, version 2.2. We've turned a shader off and changed the cleo riddle code, could you let me know if it runs any better now?

thank you for the fast response. i tried it a few times and it seems that it runs about the same with both errors still occurring with the main one being that the game on browser at least on my side goes into a black screen and the game becomes unresponsive yet from what i can see the main menu seems to load a lot faster and seems a lot smoother then it did. Im going to try a few more times and ill let you know if anything changes yet at this current point the game for me is unplayable on browser. (btw i changed browser and it seems that didn't help)

If you're using chrome, did you make sure to check your browser setting and "enable hardware acceleration"? It's an option somewhere in your settings. Maybe it can help!

I do already have it on and I tried turning it off too to see if it helped yet it didn't affect anything in the game at least up to the error. Ill try to keep you updated as much as I can with comments and with my attempts to get into the game. Thanks for trying to fix this for me and anyone else who may have the issue! have a nice rest of your day and if you send me another reply ill try to reply as soon as I'm free and see it ^^


Is the version with the Lynx really not accessible anywhere anymore? I was really enjoying the first level as it was. The bee is not bad, but I was hoping the game remains headed in a deviant direction with its enemies. I don't want to sound offensive, as my name suggests, I'm just one voice among many. But the second level feels  boring compared to the first because of the overuse of just other boys. :(

The forest has the grass tentacle, it has the gas plant and it had an animal, they all fit within the forest theme and it was all about escaping without succumbing to the environment, in the second level, themed with desert, only really one enemy fits the theme. I really hope this version of the second level is by no means final and themes will end up being developed a bit.

I would also like to ask a rhetorical question as I understand your wish to not discuss this, but if the removal of the Lynx is dangerous because of, I'm guessing, bestiality, how come the forest gas plant, the cat mummy and the very main menu isn't just as dangerous to have because of their shapes?

Sorry again if anything sounded rude.


Lynx was taken out due it being "bestiality," and patreon hates bestiality drawn porn. All the other is okay until they decided it is not.


Also if I ever wanna get the game on steam it's gonna be a problem too. Which is an option I want open. 


if you have the old version downloaded you may be able to access the lynx yet im not 100% sure yet if you have it downloaded its worth a shot. if it is still in the game and you have some experience in coding and game design you may be able to port it to the new game yet if not probably not.


Can confirm. As long you did not overwrite the .exe file with an newer version, or kept the zip file of v1.9 or older then you will still have lynx. It just wont have lvl 2 or any future updates.

dont suppose you could link the older version could ya?

Deleted 3 years ago

I'm sorry to hear it's laggy now. We're looking into the problem, I've uploaded a new version today (v2.2) with a shader turned off. Could you test it again

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Oh, that's a little strange, are you on a 4k monitor? I don't know your setup, but the best I can think of is check your monitor's active resolution (right click desktop -> display settings).  
The game should launch at 1280x720, and works best on a monitor set to 1920 x 1080. So if not, try setting your monitor to 1920 x 1080.
It's a 16:9 ratio (not 4:3 or 16:10)

If all of that is unhelpful, I'll need more info.

Deleted 3 years ago

I had that problem as well. I posted an fix to this earlier.

I figured out how to fix my resolution problem. I needed to delete my game preference in windows registry.



T-Hoodie Draws


Delete everything in there

Ah, thanks for the tip!

Deleted 3 years ago

kinda yeah 

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