i like the sex scenes and all but i move so slow and the attack recharge is so slow , like is there a reason max doesnt know how to run or walk faster than 1 cm per hour
Are you planning to release a Linux version? The windows version is 64 bit, so WINE has extreme issues running it. Most compilers these days should support compiling into a compatible format, for example a shell script (.sh). I’d love to play this game off of the browser but as is I just can’t.
sadly Wine has extreme issues with most games from here lol, if you have an okayish computer, try sudo apt-get install virtualbox and create a Windows VM, it should run anything you need. Best regards :D
I'm not gonna lie, I've been playing this game for a while now and all I can say is that 1. I'm defiantly into traps. 2. I'm more then sure I'm bi. And 3. I wish I could be max in these situations. (I also am considering on buying any max the elf merch if they exist, you know like clothes and stuff like that)
I mean worth a shot, yooo,, haha i seem to be in the same predicament as the other guy that said he was poor, and you- i meean,, so,, insta- cough cough @zzephl cough corna virus
also... fun fact, before checking out the game, i thought it was "max the elf" like you need to upgrade him and that stuff, and didnt even think that it was "max, the elf" refering to max as his name and that he was an elf
A few suggestions (hope you read these comments for feedback). It's kind of hard to do all those commands one handed (I mean, I get why you made the game to be operated by one hand...huhuhu) so for ease if you could make it so the arrow keys could also control Max's movements (forward, back, jump, crouch = right, left, up, down buttons) to give players a two handed option that'd make it easier. Also, there's not really a way to deal with enemies behind you, is there a plan to allow Max to turn around? And finally, don't know if this is a bug or not, but I can't repeat the slide attack right away. So sometimes I'll slide attack one enemy, but can't slide attack the next. Is there a timer or distance you need to hit before you can slide attack again or...?
Despite that, I really, really enjoyed this demo, Max is so freaking cute as is all the humanoid enemies! I love your art in this, and I love having a cutesy femboy game like this, thank you so much!!!
You can change the controls under options, controls. Then click a box and push an input. Though for me the arrow keys are already auto as a second choice for movement controls.
The best way to "deal" with enemies from behind is to time your jump. The special move also takes them out as well, but you only get 3 shots.
Yes, the slide has a cool down. The green bar at the top right is your indicator for when the cool down is done.
It`s very similar to JoyToKey which maps controller input to keyboard which I use with this game, since I despise keyboard controls lol: https://joytokey.net/en/
First No-Hit Speedrun of the game!, for me known as “If Max actually was pure” 4:04.44 its a pretty good mark (i counted from the start of forest level to the loading screen of end of demo), Sorry for the bad quality but the capture didn’t get quality (maybe it’s because weird screen shenanigans) but in any rate, i’m really proud of the run and if someone wants to see if it is possible to actually avoid all enemies or try the speedrun there you have it!
T-Hoodie this game is amazing, i hope you finish it someday because i loved the art and gameovers and enjoyed playing it a lot!
" -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 -screen-fullscreen 1 " Im adding that but it keeps saying "specified target box is not valid" I replaced the entire line didnt work either, i added it at the end that didnt work either. there a secret lol. Thanks.
falls Sie nach einem Online-Rar-Entpacker suchen sollten, sollte ich Ihnen einen verlinken. es muss nämlich eine datei manuell abgespeichert werden, sonst startet das programm nicht. der Link: https://www.ezyzip.com/offene-rar-datei-online.htm
Ah yes because a game of a boy dressing in somewhat more feminine clothes is gonna be transphobic. Guys here we have the worlds smartest (Actually dumbest) person on this site. (Lady's and gentlemen we got em)
There should be various apps for unzipping on the app store made only for Mac, for example, The Unarchiver is a really good one that I often use when using MacOS
I really wonder why the animations weren't made with VECTORS so you could zoom-in infinitely, or why it isn't just sharper? Is that harder to make? love the game but I'm puzzled by this...
Vectors would require rigged character animations, where you just connect body parts, then tween and swap them around instead of drawing frame by frame. It has it's advantages like the zooming in, and it would also make it easier to swap outfits for Max.
I draw frame by frame instead of a rig for a few reasons: It gives way more artistic freedom of poses and transformations. I'm not stuck with annoying layer issues, overlap and robot-like movements. I have way more freedom when it comes to adding stuff like liquids and cum. The downside is that it's a lot of intense work, so I keep the resolution somewhat small in order to keep my work fun and doable for 1 person. Glad you like the game!
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Can Cumflations be added?
i like the sex scenes and all but i move so slow and the attack recharge is so slow , like is there a reason max doesnt know how to run or walk faster than 1 cm per hour
Copied this from the introduction on this page.
"" PLEASE READ: Please make sure you have hardware acceleration on in google chrome, otherwise Max is way too slow! ""
but im playing the downloaded version not the web version, so chrome is irrelevant
Running probly doesn't exist in there world... wonder what tag or being followed by a unknown person would be like.
When will the LvL 3 Update be public? I'm so excited to see it
i know iv wanted it for months now
my personal favorites are 1 honi bee 2 cleo
Are you planning to release a Linux version? The windows version is 64 bit, so WINE has extreme issues running it. Most compilers these days should support compiling into a compatible format, for example a shell script (.sh). I’d love to play this game off of the browser but as is I just can’t.
sadly Wine has extreme issues with most games from here lol, if you have an okayish computer, try sudo apt-get install virtualbox and create a Windows VM, it should run anything you need. Best regards :D
this thing actually worth being alive
i feel sorry for the rest of the population whom missing the chance to enjoy this...
i mean... not everyone likes being gay sooo...
actually this game is one of those elements that makes ppl gay
I'm not gonna lie, I've been playing this game for a while now and all I can say is that 1. I'm defiantly into traps. 2. I'm more then sure I'm bi. And 3. I wish I could be max in these situations. (I also am considering on buying any max the elf merch if they exist, you know like clothes and stuff like that)
U are like me lol ;)
lol ;)
bruh it been so long without any update did u abandon the game
They update all the time on their Twitter, their Discord and Patreon.
oh thx mates i will now literally join his patreon and see the content regardless im from iran and poor asf
hook me up with th level 3 download if im still alive by the time u see this Alhamdulillah
btw i got the download link here but cant send it here
you might give me your discord
my user on discord is Panda22#8102. pls send me the download lin
Can i please have the link too my discord is JamesCharles#9113
I beg you
I mean worth a shot, yooo,, haha i seem to be in the same predicament as the other guy that said he was poor, and you- i meean,, so,, insta- cough cough @zzephl cough corna virus
theres a bug that causes max to freeze and stay ducked. like he stayed that way until i died no matter whaat i pushed
max the elf for phone?
also... fun fact, before checking out the game, i thought it was "max the elf" like you need to upgrade him and that stuff, and didnt even think that it was "max, the elf" refering to max as his name and that he was an elf
it is one of the best games of hentai in the world.keep going champ
what happened to the lynx enemy?
Android version ?
A few suggestions (hope you read these comments for feedback). It's kind of hard to do all those commands one handed (I mean, I get why you made the game to be operated by one hand...huhuhu) so for ease if you could make it so the arrow keys could also control Max's movements (forward, back, jump, crouch = right, left, up, down buttons) to give players a two handed option that'd make it easier. Also, there's not really a way to deal with enemies behind you, is there a plan to allow Max to turn around? And finally, don't know if this is a bug or not, but I can't repeat the slide attack right away. So sometimes I'll slide attack one enemy, but can't slide attack the next. Is there a timer or distance you need to hit before you can slide attack again or...?
Despite that, I really, really enjoyed this demo, Max is so freaking cute as is all the humanoid enemies! I love your art in this, and I love having a cutesy femboy game like this, thank you so much!!!
You can change the controls under options, controls. Then click a box and push an input. Though for me the arrow keys are already auto as a second choice for movement controls.
The best way to "deal" with enemies from behind is to time your jump. The special move also takes them out as well, but you only get 3 shots.
Yes, the slide has a cool down. The green bar at the top right is your indicator for when the cool down is done.
For me even after remapping controls to arrows it seems that A and D keys are binded to break free from the grapple attack.
Yeah, i think those cant be changed.
You should be able to use something like SharpKeys to do that. It does on-the-fly keyboard remapping: https://www.raymond.cc/blog/download/did/805/
It`s very similar to JoyToKey which maps controller input to keyboard which I use with this game, since I despise keyboard controls lol: https://joytokey.net/en/
Thank you!
new Enemy
wall you just add level 3 in the game level 4 and level 5
Can u make android pls
next level?
where id the dog enemy from level one? i havent play this game in awhile and realises it has gone how come?
That animation was removed due to Patreon guidelines iirc
just the animation?
There are such things as non-native speakers.
something to ask kind of as a joke but also would you add command imputs like streat fighter
First No-Hit Speedrun of the game!, for me known as “If Max actually was pure” 4:04.44 its a pretty good mark (i counted from the start of forest level to the loading screen of end of demo), Sorry for the bad quality but the capture didn’t get quality (maybe it’s because weird screen shenanigans) but in any rate, i’m really proud of the run and if someone wants to see if it is possible to actually avoid all enemies or try the speedrun there you have it!
T-Hoodie this game is amazing, i hope you finish it someday because i loved the art and gameovers and enjoyed playing it a lot!
my man just stragt up uploaded porn to youtube
this here is a ture chad
very sus
Any idea when next updat will be?
from what i have sean i thinks its to come out late this mouth
wolud make the best chrtmis gift
Loved it.
Make a max the elf iron on patch for hats or hoodies. I'd totally buy one
I couldn't agree more I'd love buying one and even trying to compare myself to Max because ooh I feel like I'm pretty similar to him I some ways
" -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 -screen-fullscreen 1 " Im adding that but it keeps saying "specified target box is not valid" I replaced the entire line didnt work either, i added it at the end that didnt work either. there a secret lol. Thanks.
I'm actually interested in assisting in development of this game.
will cumflation be a thing or is that to much
falls Sie nach einem Online-Rar-Entpacker suchen sollten, sollte ich Ihnen einen verlinken. es muss nämlich eine datei manuell abgespeichert werden, sonst startet das programm nicht.
der Link:
I must ask and please don't question me on it, how old is Max the Elf?
I kinda don't mind if they're realy young and just wanted to know fir a bigger mental image
i think he is 18 but i feel like its a bad idea to talk about this on a public commit board.
well he goes to an academy so its save to say he is(over 18 or 18) plus it is stared everyone is altest 18 so yea
oh okay, good to know thanks everyone!
in order for an elf in standard myths to look that old they would have to be at least over 300 years
i just nutted to this game and i hate it.
Fuck off, freaktard.
It isn't.
how wolud it be? its not at all
Ah yes because a game of a boy dressing in somewhat more feminine clothes is gonna be transphobic. Guys here we have the worlds smartest (Actually dumbest) person on this site. (Lady's and gentlemen we got em)
I want a copy of Android
please make an android version.
anyone know how to use the rar file on mac? im used to zip exports ha
There are ways to unzip online, but the best is with an program. Winrar is the best and free though i think 7zip also works.
awesome thanks, i'll give it a shot
There should be various apps for unzipping on the app store made only for Mac, for example, The Unarchiver is a really good one that I often use when using MacOS
I really wonder why the animations weren't made with VECTORS so you could zoom-in infinitely, or why it isn't just sharper? Is that harder to make? love the game but I'm puzzled by this...
Vectors would require rigged character animations, where you just connect body parts, then tween and swap them around instead of drawing frame by frame. It has it's advantages like the zooming in, and it would also make it easier to swap outfits for Max.
I draw frame by frame instead of a rig for a few reasons:
It gives way more artistic freedom of poses and transformations.
I'm not stuck with annoying layer issues, overlap and robot-like movements.
I have way more freedom when it comes to adding stuff like liquids and cum.
The downside is that it's a lot of intense work, so I keep the resolution somewhat small in order to keep my work fun and doable for 1 person.
Glad you like the game!