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Deleted 3 years ago

Hello, sorry but I dont think we'll be adding that at the moment, Id have to ask my partner if thats possible.

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

I appreciate the positivity but please don't leave/ask for personal info in my comment section. This is not the place.


The ero part is good and very cute, but the gameplay could use some work.

The "warning" should be closer to the ground, if the enemies coming form the back can only be evaded by jumping  (it's currently so high you'd think you could avoid the bee enemy by crouching)

The progress and time bars have very muted colors, I barely noticed they were there. The "tips" page said they were green and red, not green-ish gray and red-ish gray.

The whole gameplay feels kinda unresponsive too, due to the long cooldown for the punches and the slow walking (mostly backwards). The mashing to escape also doesn't register if you mash faster than a moderate pace too. (This is on browser, haven't tested the download version)


Thanks for the feedback,
I did have an idea to put the red marker down near the floor for jumps, and a blue marker in the future for enemies that fly up and require Max to crouch, but that's on a to do list for now, we might eventually get to that. 

The progress bar is indeed a bit hard to see, I can agree on that as well. I can put it in our to do list but our priority for now will be working hard on level 2.

We've tried to improve  the movement and responsiveness a few times in the past, it is a lot faster than it used to be. We indeed still get some comments that it's still slow and clunky, but I think we will probably keep it like this, to keep some difficulty to the game, sorry.

I gave the mashing to escape a cooldown per mash on purpose, so you're stuck in the animations for at least a certain while. Also sticking to the rhythm in a calm/controlled fashion is rewarded over full speed mashing this way. I am sorry if that's what you'd prefer.  

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, the demo of this game is really nice, the art is really good, the animations really prefect, and I just can't get enough of the bee enemy~
I rarely try to be informed about updates of games here, but I want for this one. Is there a way to get notified when the game is updated ? Will following you do that ?


yes, following him will alert you updates, in your feed, and your email if you have that option checked in your settings, which I think it is by default.


promithes it is the person you are chasing in the game, once the game is finished you might see them

Indeed, it will be the final boss.

How do you unlock the other character on the main screen or is it just artwork?


That succubus character will be the antagonist of the game, with a little bit of story. She is called Fae, and Max is chasing her. She will be the last boss of the game. With the way the game is set up, we can't really change the player, sorry!

Is there any way to make the game full screen after downloading? Whenever I launch it it opens in a very tiny window, which makes it hard to see some of the action.

Sorry the full resolution is 1280 x 720, it doesn't go bigger than that. If you really want it bigger, you can set your monitor's resolution to that size.

Deleted 3 years ago

Thank you! I planned at least 3 more levels, and a boss level at the end.

Can found old versions?

Sorry, no old versions out right now.

Deleted 4 years ago

I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that bug, maybe try another browser, or try the version on newgrounds here:
Good luck!

Very nice, would play even if it wasnt a nsfw game as its just fun!

Thank you!

being very honest... i loved this game! just amazing

Thank you!

Just curious as to what kind of game this is specifically called, like when you can only go from left to right with like the ero scenes going while you play the game

I wouldn't really know myself, I think it's technically a sidescroller platformer. But without platforms. DLSite tags these games with "Erotic Side-Scrolling Action Game" 

I've been seeing T-Hoodie's art a lot and I cannot explain to you how excited I was when I saw this game was a thing!! My partner downloaded it to surprise me and I had so much fun playing. I adore this game so much, thank you for putting this into the world!

Thank you for the positivity! Glad to hear you like it!

I absolutely love this game! The art is so adorable and the difficulty keeps me playing for so long. I hope you keep making games with this level of artwork and style! 

Thank you very much! I'm working hard on level 2!


May I ask if in the future will be a mobil version or not

Sorry, for a few reasons we have no plans for that!

Ok thanks


Honestly love this game so much. Everything is so cute, the animations, the voice and the characters. This is probably my new fav ero game. Keep up the good work.

Thank you very much, from the whole team!

(1 edit) (+2)

God I wish there were more great femboy ero games like this!


This game is hard. Interpret that however you wanna.



Thank you!


i just played this game and how much i lovee itt!! the art style is so cuteee!! you guys are doing great! 

Thank you very much! 


The art style is just so cute! Love the demo :D

Thank you very much!


possibility of an Android version?


Sorry, we can't do a mobile version for a few technical reasons.

(1 edit) (+1)

nice game



I loved. Any possibility of putting on steam?


Mhh maybe when it's finished eventually, but that's a long time from now. So I can't promise anything like that!

got it, thanks for responding. Good luck with the project <3

Loved the demo!


Thank you


Just played the game and loved it
You're doing great.


Deleted 3 years ago

we're updated the game with an attack slide! You can use that instead of a crouching punch: S+Q. Hope that helps!

It doesn't as player can't just crouch press Q after that.

Found that if you back out of the screen right at the beginning of the level the game stops and Max can't get out nor can you pause/esc. 

yis we know, we will fix it in the next update!


This is amazing! Can't wait to see what other cool stuff you add!Keep up the great work!


Thank you! Will do our best! Progress is steady for level .


I am a new fan of the game and am curious, will there be a trickle of content where we get more scenes and zones over time, or will we have just this until the full game comes out? Either way hope you have an amazing day!


I plan to release new levels and updates step by step, with some early access time on patreon first, but I will release those updates to the free to play places like here and newgrounds as well. Thank you and have a nice day too.

Same to you! I hope this game comes out and is as amazing as I think it will be :D


Please android version PLEASE


Sorry, we have no plans to remake the game for mobile for multiple reasons, it's not easy.


Its ok but thanks so much for this beautifull work


i just downloaded the mac version, but it upright just refuses to even open the game. the only thing i get is a message containing "the program could not be openend". any idea for a fix? or is it a known bug?


Did you read the message that came with the download? It should say:

I packed it as a .RAR file! On Macs some unzippers can corrupt the files, We've tested unpacking with "StuffIt" and it worked.

If you need a different one, try: This one should be official but we haven't tried it!

If you still get an error (this application cannot be opened), try this:

I hope that helps.

Can you help me i want play in android because i dont have computer


stackoverflow fixed it finally, the executable was not executable. thx


Hi there T-Hoodie! Amazing game, I love it and I'm hoping to see more of this in the future. Did you do all of this yourself? I'm really impressed by it, the artwork, the gameplay and all. Do you know when you'll have level 2 out? thx 


Hello! Thanks for the positivity. There is a button in the game called Credits that shows the team. (I make all the art and interface stuff myself, but I have a partner who puts in the code to make it work like a game for me (@rocky_nsfw). I also commissioned @ZeroDiamonds for voice acting, and @colorghost for music.)


amazing and sexy game keep up the good work


Thank you, we will do our best!

Deleted 3 years ago

Thank you for the positivity!


Incredible work. Can't wait for the full release!


Thank you!


Amazing work! Stunning visuals. Although it made me a bit mad for its difficulty, i found it really appealing and great when I reached level 2. I definitely look forward to the full version. Will it be free?


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it, I think we will keep updates coming out for free, it will take a while before the full version is done though!

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