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I can't unpack the files with StuffIt, I succeeded in unpacking with unarchiver. It worked but I cannot launch the game, please help me (I have mac).

When I tried unpacking the file with StuffIt, it says "implementation required for this operation is missing"

Someone commented about this a month ago.

Hoodie responded with:

Oh sorry, I misnamed the folder I think. the "MtE MAC" folder should be the app, try renaming it and adding .app to it, so it's called "MtE". If that doesn't work I'll see what I can do.

Person responded back with:

This worked, thank you! Though I did need to also run: 

sudo chmod -R 755 path/to/

In order to open it on Big Sur

See if that helps.

dont know how to run that code

I think big sur is an extra program, idk as i have pc. Did you try the renaming first?


I can't open the game on mac

Looooving this game!! Your works amazing <3

The current version for download, the Gallery section for level 3 has the level 2 character scenes instead of the Level 3 ones, no doubt will be fixed soon :) Keep up the amazing work!


guys use your slide attack to get past corrupted vik

Are you creating a game called game over?  When it comes out

someone here mentioned getting past corrupted vik only if you dont go vik multi times but in my case, cant get past the tall one even jumping over her..get grapped right away; is hard for me to get away from her.

also is it just me or is hard to past some part of the game due to the exotic scenes (don't might them at all, enjoy them) just curious of the other players options.

I thought of a strat for when you get to corrupted vik, Just save atleast1insta kill ability gauge and use it on her.

try that... but even pressing the install kill multiple times won't activate. I even try changing the controls. no help..

Deleted 352 days ago

You can also jump over the stomp leading it to not hit you because you're off the ground, And slide because that insta kills.

how do i find corrupted vik 

I've noticed that even if you end up dealing with corrupted vik, there is almost 0% chance of you actually besting it. I have attempted at least 20 times (love the animation and artwork btw) yet when it comes down to it, it seems to be one to four extra button presses at the very end. Yet I do it as fast as the game allows so I am a little concerned on that.

You attack with the ranged attack and as he charges you use the slide to go under and past

When I click on the level 3 in the gallery the monsters from lvl 2 appear not the ones from lvl 3 is that a bug or?

its not in the game yet


does the surrender button really do anything?

It looks like a really good game. But, I can't download it, because I have a Xiaomi and the processor is Android, I hope that in some time I will have a download for Android


will fox mage be cis

(1 edit)

amazing game loveing the updates!

tho level 3 just goes to a blank wite screen is there a way to fix this?

edit: all levels do

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where does one find dane? i know he's on level 3. but how does one find..dane

At the end of level 3; sometimes there's a portal and sometimes there's an enemy (Fae?). For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out what triggers each ending. I'm trying to set up the game to beat the enemy at the end, but repeatedly playing the level to maybe get the fight seems like a very "brute force" way to do it.

Has anyone else figured out either how to set it up to fight the enemy at the end and if so, can you win? 

If you talk to Cheerleader Vick multiple times it will trigger Corrupted Vick at the end.

Ah. Thank you.

Awesome game, i play it every day! its so entertaining for me. i'd rate it 5/5 stars!

With the 3.10 update, the gallery for the level 3 characters, are the same as the level 2 characters. Not sure if this is intentional for now, or just a bug.


ah sorry, that part is still in production, level 3 gallery will come later.

Are you creating a game called game over?  When it comes out

Idk if someone asked the same question, but... and for Linux, the engine don't compile?  I know it's playable via html in browser, but it would be nice if it had for Linux too. Unfortunately most engines only compile for Windows and Mac. ;-;

the webgl can be used for linux and works well for me

<span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="pt" data-phrase-index="0" data-number-of-phrases="1" <the="" game="" is="" buggy="" in="" webgl="" for="" me,="" i'm="" using="" firefox<="" span=""> </span>The game is crash in WebGL for me, I'm using Firefox

Some parts of WebGL are weird to me, I'm using Firefox

Hey, With v3.10 each time I close and reopen the game after downloading it the window keeps getting smaller, right now my resolution is like  100x240p, I can't even see anything. Is this a glitch with the download or my side?

That is a weird bug, have you tried following the instructions in the description on how to resize the window manually? Maybe  that can help.

Yes, that does fix it, thank you.  Still, really odd bug

Deleted 44 days ago

please god look at yourself and try and find any good there and focus on that. Because to play a fuckin futa gay hentai game and COMMENT you have to be a degenerate like me and jesus christ in this cess pool of degenerates (no offense T hoodie you are still great)

you stand out by a fuckin mile please do what you like but think about what your doing for your health

dude give him a break asshole its free speech! 

(1 edit) (-1)

i know and i was simply saying how I felt they can like what he/she/both/other wants its just i don't like the things that they are proposing but if that's what they add then thats what they add i said they can like it and they can i mean furrys disgust me but i wont actively hunt them down i will just comment on it and see if they were to change their mind so ndm tw like inflation i was mean in that post but i dont take it back "freedom of speech and all" just think and if you have but still enjoy it then good for you you have at least done something i haven't done and thats being true to yourself about what you like. i mean i like gay stuff but i still tell myself its just a phase. so in conclusion yes i am an asshole we all are. 

There is something called a 'Fetish'. People are attracted to certain things, it doesn't make them less of a person if they are attracted to something else, they just have a different fetish then most. It is like hunting someone down for liking a simple puzzle game instead of COD.

look person im sorry they can like what they like and im fine with that its just im not all for that kind of fetish so seeinng that in game would probably stop me playing it unless they added like a way to turn that fetish off and if they do do that then they can enjoy max the elf with whatever fetish they want (the legal ones) without me caring at all

so to give a better anser then the other persion.

it wolud not be able to be done as everything is hand done by the maker

Deleted post

i hope that the next levels have more of a mix of just cis guys and futas, i feel like there are more futas than cis guys and would love to see some more like the anubis dog boy

I cant even beat the first level


jump and try to only use the speacil attack whe needed. 

just focus on running haha

yep the best thing to do is just to jump the enemies


love the game but it would be nice to be able to attack the other direction, as well as having an option in a menu that lets the normal scenes loop after gaining a corruption point. 

would also be really cool (though probably too hard to implement) to have unlockable skins/outfits with varying levels of lewdness

(1 edit)

pleas t hoodie please tell me when dane is done will you add it first or add when the fox is done aswell

edit: dane did come out first


I'm not a gay......BUT!_(:3」∠❀)_

Your game (Max the Elf) is really cool ! Can I make a few let's play videos of it ? (knowing that I'm making a bit of ads revenues from that by posting on porn website)

Thank you, and I guess that's fine, I don't see why not, thanks for asking.


When it's available for Android?

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

i love the game so far , but as a fellow game developer i think by adding some extra animations it will be amazing , like when y punch there should be 2 animations .... these are the little things that make a game better, but the game is good and i love it

Deleted post

ew thats a furry game

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lmao now that I think about it a fag like myself probably shouldn't be talking down to furries

Deleted post

lmao look at all those downvotes

probably should have just kept my thoughts to myself...


not every one is a furry my guy not to mention a few people here are only here for the gay and after checking out kincaid it is INCREDIBLY straight


why it keeps getting better with each level? this is sorcery

When dose the new enmie come out?

We had some delays on Dane (my coding partner had to work on his real job for a while). But I think we can get it out soon, this month somewhere!


this is by far one of my fav games, love the graphics too! :)

I downloaded the file on windows. what program do I need to open the game?


you need to extract the .RAR file with either WinRAR or Winzip, very common packing tools used on windows.

It's working now. Thanks.

i can't play level three sad

Where is level 3 enemies in gallery?

Hey T-Hoodie, is there any chance I could get a download for the amazing soundtrack for this game? 

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